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-> Our school caters to students from Playgroup to Grade 10.

-> School hours vary depending on the grade level. Generally, classes start at 09:45 AM and end at 04:00 PM. Please refer to our school’s official schedule for specific details.

-> Our school is located at Katyani Chowk, Bhimsengola, Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu.

-> You can contact our school by phone at 01- 4587485 or by email at [email protected]. You can also visit our school’s website at for more information.

-> Yes, we offer before and after-school programs that provide enrichment activities, homework assistance, and recreational opportunities. Please contact the school for more information on available programs.

-> Yes, our school provides meals through our cafeteria. We offer lunch options for students based on seasonal demands. Contact our school’s services for further information.

->  To enroll your child in our school, please visit the school’s administrative office and complete the necessary registration forms. You will typically need to provide proof of residency, your child’s birth certificate and any other required documentation.

-> Yes, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, clubs, music programs, and more. Students can explore their interests and talents outside of regular class hours. Information about specific activities is usually available at the school or on our website.

-> Parents can get involved in the school community by joining the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), volunteering for school events or committees, attending parent-teacher conferences. Additionally, parents can communicate with teachers and staff to stay informed and engaged in their child’s education.

->  The school communicates with parents through various channels, including newsletters, emails, phone calls, and our school website. Additionally, teachers may use online platforms or apps to provide updates and share information about students’ progress.

-> Yes, parent-teacher conferences are held regularly to discuss students’ academic progress, address any concerns, and foster open communication between parents and teachers. The school will provide information about scheduling these conferences

-> Our school has established disciplinary policies and procedures in line with local regulations and best practices. Discipline is approached in a fair and consistent manner, focusing on teaching positive behavior and providing appropriate consequences when necessary.

-> Bullying is not tolerated in our school. We have anti-bullying policies in place and promote a safe and inclusive environment. Incidents of bullying are taken seriously and investigated promptly. Students and parents are encouraged to report any concerns to school staff.

->  Progress reports or report cards are typically issued on a quarterly basis. These reports provide information about students’ academic performance and progress in their classes.

-> You can stay updated on school events and important dates by checking the school’s website, or following the school’s social media accounts. The school may also send out notifications or reminders via email or phone calls.

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